journal #11 Podcast episode 270 99% invisible.

Summarize the content of the program

stethoscope episode 270 on 99% invisible was about the evolution of patient care and the evolution of stethoscopes. The entire podcast was about a field that i find interesting because I want to be in the medical field. The evolution of patient care has went from listening to what the patient has to say to listening what the machines and doctors tell you.

How would you describe the style of the podcast?

The pod cast was informational.

What did you like about the program?  The podcaster(s), guest, theme, topic, etc.?

I liked the theme and strictly picked it because had to do with a medically based idea. it talked about cat scans and different histories of testing.

What questions or curiosities did the lead to in your mind?

Why don’t doctors listen to patients anymore? sometimes you can’t explain what the symptom sounds like. The other side of that is that all machines can’t give you the right answers.

What didn’t you understand?

The entire podcast made sense to me.

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