Journal #20

In my essay there was specific times when I could have met the journeyman/advanced journey man when

1. I should have had fewer local mistakes in my paper grammar spelling errors very minimal stuff but still I could have edited better. This could include taking more time with the paper trying to turn those mistakes into a learning process for the next paper now that I know how vital those little mistakes are. Especially when they all add up and it makes the paper look less then college level ready.

2. Framing and setting up quotes in my paper was another huge part. I should have explained and brought up the scholar I was about to quote before I quoted them. This would have been helpful leading the reader up to the quote and would help the paper flow better. This would also help the paper become a more intelligent and college level. The paper should be written expecting the reader doesn’t know anything about the topic.

3. Using the scholarly and other sources wisely, and this is because in my paper I used the scholarly sources well by quoting them in places where they were relevant but in the quotes from the students papers I used those a little random and I think this could be fixed simply by devoting more time to the paper. Like talked about in the meeting this paper will require a lot more time then the first.


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